At this point, we are away from home more than we are not. But where is home? I grew up in Jupiter, Florida a beautiful seaside town. Crystal clear water, warm waves, and a short distance to the Gulf Stream are just a few of my favorite things. Jupiter will forever be our home base. Now our “home” is wherever we drop the anchor for the night. In between traveling and working (now one in the same), we try to spend as much time in Jupiter as possible. Below is a list of things we make sure we soak up while we are here.
Family time!
I have always been super close with my family. I also went to college 10 minutes away, so I never experienced being out of touch until our boat travels began. When we are in town we do our best to join every family gathering and help our parents as much as we can. My cousins have a Friday pizza night tradition and we try to attend as many as possible. Billy’s mom also lives in the area and we try to have her over for dinner and out on the boat as much as we can.

Sister time in Jupiter, Florida
As you have probably noticed we make exercise one of our top priorities while traveling. Getting back to the gym is so relieving in many ways. First of all, it gives us some sort of structure. In Jupiter, we are not setting our schedules based on the wind and the tide but rather the available gym classes. Working out on the boat is fun but I feel I try much harder when someone is coaching and there is a big class sweating along with me. The gym I speak of can be either a Crossfit Palm Beach class or paddle training with our teammates of Flying Fish Paddle Board Co.

Flyingfish Board Co. team dominating races.
Boat Work
In the mist of our crazy fun adventures stuff breaks.. A LOT. The majority of our time is Jupiter is spent doing repairs and upgrading the boat with stuff we realized we need. My parents are kind enough to lend us the backyard when we work on big projects (Billy’s dad does too when we are in New York). We save time by ordering parts or objects we notice we need along our journey and have them shipped to our P.O. Box so they are ready to be installed when we arrive.
Beach Breaks
It always amazes me how clear the water in Jupiter can get. You could easily mistake it for Bahamian water on any given day. The bridges thrive with beautiful sea creatures and make for a super easy but fun day of snorkeling. The Gulf Stream is just a few miles offshore and this is where the fishing is incredible, Mahi, Tuna, Kingfish, and Wahoo are just a few of the frequent visitors. We even stumbled upon a feeding juvenile Whale shark once! We also always love surfing here. The waves are warm and blue what more can you ask for.
We love the life we have created. Traveling for a living has always been a dream job for the both of us. But it is always a nice break to get back to Jupiter to spend time with family and spend time in our home waters.
Thanks for reading 🙂