Here is one who might help anyone who is traveling minimalist style and/or on a very strict budget but wish to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness. So there is not enough space on little 26′ Tula for a proper shower so I have been forced to search for alternative options to stay clean. One […]

The afternoon I left home I sailed to the Sore Thumb, just inside the Fire Island Inlet and slept there for the night. The next morning the wind was blowing hard from the Northwest. I passed through the inlet just before sunrise to catch the last of the outgoing tide. Transiting the inlet went smooth […]

Here’s a list of some highs and lows of my trip so far down the Jersey Coat, up the Delaware Bay, and to Annapolis. I will try to write some good stuff elaborating on each with some more pictures. 1. Dolphins off Sandy Hook 2. First time ever seasick = not fun (especially when you […]

One of the goals of this trip was to be able to continue training and improving a lot of my surf/water skills in the warm water. It has been frustrating not being able to train the amount and way I would like to be. I have been doing some pushups, air squats, stretching, and plenty […]