One of the goals of this trip was to be able to continue training and improving a lot of my surf/water skills in the warm water. It has been frustrating not being able to train the amount and way I would like to be. I have been doing some pushups, air squats, stretching, and plenty of line/chain pulling on the way but its just not enough. I try to run when I get off the boat and do some more body weight exercises but I still feel limited. I miss the coaching and competitive atmosphere I had at Crossfit South Shore! I also miss moving some heavy (for me) weight around and not just my light ass. While in Annapolis, MD I finally found a crossfit close enough for me to trek to and get a solid workout in with some heavy dead-lifts and lots of rowing! I am going to try and plan some of my stops around crossfit gyms and see if I can do some more drop-ins along the way. I can’t wait until i get to do some paddling and swimming in warm water!