It might be there one second and gone the next.

“You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”

Being thankful is much easier.

Being thankful makes you a happy and appreciative person. It is much easier to be thankful when you know what you have is unique and special.

It helps you stay in the present.

We all know how important it is to live in the present. Our present experiences are once in a lifetime, here one moment and gone the next. Don’t waste them by living in the past or future.


It helps you learn from bad experiences.

If you value EVERYTHING you will take something positive out of all your experiences. Usually a good lesson.

It helps you be productive.

Time is the most valuable resource in the world. When you appreciate that you will learn to use time wisely and not waste it. Ever see the movie “In Time”?

It makes you a stronger person

When you don’t take anything for granted you build a stronger mind. You become more resilient and happier without even trying because you’ve strengthened your mind to think this way.


Unimportant and negative things won’t bother you.

You realize you can only control what YOU do and what YOU think. Nothing else.

You will learn to give back.

When you value everything you’ll learn how important it is to give back and provide value for OTHER people. This FEELS great too!


Go, get out, have fun, be happy, learn, be strong, be nice, help people, VALUE EVERYTHING!


A lot of these ideas were learned and strengthened through my sailing trip south and mentioned in my other post “6 Lessons I Learned Sailing Solo”