30 Minute Beach Workout!

This 30-minute beach workout will leave you sweaty, sandy, and feeling great! It is very easy to become lazy while living on a boat. We try to come up with workouts that require minimal equipment and can be done in a small space. This workout can be done on the boat, beach, field, or anywhere in your home. Good luck 🙂

5 minute AMRAP 

15 Thrusters

15 Burpees

40 Mountain Climbers 

15 Weighted Jackknife


1 Minute Rest 


5 Minute AMRAP 

24 Weighted Walking Lunge

20 Side Arm Raise 

24 Single-Leg Bicycles (12 on each side) 

20 Plank Jacks  


1 Minute Rest 


Repeat 3 times for a total of 30 minutes 


For this workout, we used our Brute Force Sand Bag for the thrusters, jackknife, and lunges. We scavenged for equal-sized rocks to use as weights for the side arm raises. 

We completed this workout on the beautiful Hog Island in Grenada. 


Have fun!

Sierra 🙂